
Dr. Mohamed Jamal DDS, CAGS, MSD, DScD, FRCD(C)
7 Jun 2024
14:00 - 15:00 Central Europe Time
Czech Republic

Digital tools to manage complex endodontic cases

Recent advances in diagnostic and digital assisted tools (such as CBCT, micro-CT, Nano CT, 3D rendering, and printing), are allowing clinicians to make informed decisions to plan and manage complex endodontic cases such as teeth with complex root canal anatomy, separated instrument, pulp canal obliteration, proximity to neurovascular bundle.  However, before utilizing these tools, clinicians should develop a basic understanding of the science behind them. In this lecture, the author will review the recent research progress in these tools and their clinical applications. Furthermore, he will share recent data from his research group on improving the accuracy, efficacy and safety of these digital tools.

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