Hawe Miniature Tooth Cleaning and Polishing Brushes
835 RANylon bristles for contra-angle handpiece, pack of 10
835/100Nylon bristles for contra-angle handpiece, pack of 100
The smallest form of this type of brush. Absolute top product for quality and design. Designed to be fitted to a contra-angle headpiece, loaded with prophylaxis paste and then used for cleaning/polishing natural teeth as well as glass ionomer, composite or metallic fillings.
Kerr recommends the very reliable selection of KaVo polishing instruments. The polishing instruments KaVo EXPERTmatic E31 C and KaVo INTRAmatic 31 ES fit all polishing systems and help your perfect finishig. For air polishing Kerr recommends using the KaVo PROPHYflex 4 that supports your daily teeth cleaning.